The Church Money Manual
Best Practices for Finance and Stewardship
ISBN: 9781426796579
ISBN: 9781426796586
Published July 2014
The church leader's guide to thoughtfully managing church finances. Each mini-chapter attacks a particular problem or perennially critical theme related to church money management and stewardship.
The Church Money Manual is the most up-to-date and easy-to-use handbook for churches seeking better ways to manage finances. Brief and straightforward chapters each focus on a specific problem or issue. The book covers topics of day-to-day operation and the perennially critical themes related to church money management and stewardship.Some examples include:
· Planned giving and endowment funds.
· Strategies to increase end-of-year giving.
· First steps for the newly-appointed pastor.
· Pastors’ knowledge of donors and giving in their church.
· Timing of building projects and capital campaigns.
· Special offerings.
· Selecting members for the finance committee.
· What to do when giving is down.
· Preaching about tithing.