Whose Offering Plate Is It?
New Strategies for Financial Stewardship
ISBN: 9781426710131
ISBN: 9781426729843
Published October 2010
If you want people to give, offer them a compelling vision of how their giving is going to build God's kingdom.
In Not Your Parents' Offering Plate, Clif Christopher challenged churches and pastors to take a lesson from the leaders of not-for-profit organizations: if you want people to give to your church, first offer them a compelling vision of the good that their giving will accomplish. The book encouraged an entire culture change for many in the Christian community in how they viewed the offering plate. It also unleashed a barrage of questions on specifically how to create this new culture while maintaining the foundations of one's faith tradition and mission.In this sequel, Christopher responds to these questions in the same forthright manner that he originally laid forth his propositions. He offers simple, strategic advice on such difficult questions as:
“Exactly how do I go about gaining access to the donor records when my church has prohibited it for a hundred years?”
“How do I explain a meeting with just those who are strong givers without alienating those who are not?”
“How can we advocate online giving without encouraging some to abuse their credit cards?”
“What should letters to different giving constituencies look like?”