Make or Break Your Church in 365 Days

A Daily Guide to Leading Effective Change

Book - Paperback
Make or Break Your Church in 365 Days
Paperback ISBN: 9781426745027
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E-Book ISBN: 9781426756092
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Published April 2012

Clear plans for the daily tasks of effectively leading a congregation.

The joy of ministry is lost in the terror of being ill equipped for daily tasks. This book leads the way, providing clear plans for the daily tasks of effectively leading a congregation.

Make or Break Your Church in 365 Days helps pastors develop competency in the daily task of leading congregations by answering two fundamental questions:

What must be done in the first 365 days of a pastor’s tenure?
What is the optimal way to structure a daily work life to affect change in the first year and beyond?

These very specific tasks are the behaviors that demonstrate competency and lead to growing, effective churches.

About the Author

Rev. Paul D. Borden

Asan international consultant, judicatory leader, former large church pastor, andprofessor of homiletics, Dr. Paul Borden knows both what is required totransform congregations and judicatories and how to do it. Borden is Executive Minister of Growing HealthyChurches. He is in demand nationally as a church consultant, who helpedinitiate the "teaching church" movement, in which congregations learnfrom other congregations about excellence. His book Hit the Bullseye(Abingdon, 2006) has been used by over 50 denominations in leading change.

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