Direct Hit

Aiming Real Leaders at the Mission Field

Book - Paperback
Direct Hit
Paperback ISBN: 9780687331949
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E-Book ISBN: 9781426722424
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Published September 2006

Lead the kind of ministry you’ve always dreamed of…

Many congregations are declining due to an inward focus, and see their pastor as someone who should only minister to their needs. But pastors must anticipate a better future. Direct Hit offers hope to leaders of congregations that have lost their outward focus. By preparing for and leading systemic change, pastors can bring new life into the culture of a congregation, guiding it to answer God’s call to reach people with the good news.

Direct Hit offers practical explanations for how to:

Develop a vision and communicate a strategy for its implementation

Motivate a congregation to embrace the vision

Develop resources, ideas, and personnel to prepare for change

Embrace and implement change

Embed a new DNA into the life of a congregation

Systemic change occurs as a result of hard work, but the gain far outweighs the pain. Once change has occurred, a whole new world of opportunity opens up—a world in which you are privileged to equip, lead, and oversee a congregation that has joined God’s mission. Ready. Aim. Go for it!

"Church leaders need more than motivation and inspiration. In Direct Hit, Paul Borden explains how to change dysfunction to health and decline to growth."
Leith Anderson, Senior Pastor
Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN

"Direct Hit gets to the heart of the matter. Pastors--it's about Christ and leadership. Congregation--it's about Christ's purpose and mission. There is plenty of interpretation and coaching here for both sides of the pastoral relationship, but above all there is urgency. It's time to stop dithering and get on with it."
Tom Bandy, President
Easum, Bandy, and Associates

Paul Borden, is Executive Minister of Growing Healthy Churches (formerly American Baptist Churches of the West) and is in demand nationally as a church consultant. Direct Hit is the second Abingdon publication by Borden, whose first book, Hit the Bullseye, has sold 11,000 copies.

About the Author

Rev. Paul D. Borden

Asan international consultant, judicatory leader, former large church pastor, andprofessor of homiletics, Dr. Paul Borden knows both what is required totransform congregations and judicatories and how to do it. Borden is Executive Minister of Growing HealthyChurches. He is in demand nationally as a church consultant, who helpedinitiate the "teaching church" movement, in which congregations learnfrom other congregations about excellence. His book Hit the Bullseye(Abingdon, 2006) has been used by over 50 denominations in leading change.