Wesley One Volume Commentary
Fully explore scholarly, Wesleyan interpretation of scripture.
Fully explore scholarly, Wesleyan interpretation of scripture.
The practical and theological development of eighteenth-century Methodism.
Korean version of the original text by Richard Heitzenrater.Presents the history of the 18th century Wesleyan movement, not only as a description of a spreading organization, a developing theology, and a widening mission, but also the story...
According to The Book of Discipline, Wesley believed that the "living core of the Christian faith" is revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, "vivified" by personal experience, and confirmed by reason. The thesis of Wesley and the...
Presenta la historia del movimiento wesleyano en el siglo XVIII como mas que simple descripcion de la extension de la organizacion, desarrollo teologico y ampliacion misionera; pero tambien la historia del pueblo llamado metodista con el...
In this four-session study guide to the film "Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World" written by expert Dr. Kenneth C. Kinghorn, see how John Wesley changed the world and became the spiritual leader for millions. With a screenplay...
Details core beliefs as consistently expressed in historic Wesleyan communities
Helps users understand United Methodist beliefs and tradition and what it means to function as a Christian in the context of a multi-cultural society. Thirteen sessions explore the Wesleyan essentials of original sin, the saving work of...
Learn what it means to “submit to be more vile” for today’s Methodists.Wesleyan Vile-tality calls us back to the roots of our identity. Centered on the moment John Wesley “submitted to be more vile" in spreading the love of God to...