Wesleyan Essentials in a Multicultural Society

Book - Paperback
Wesleyan Essentials in a Multicultural Society
Paperback ISBN: 9780687039944
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Published August 2004

Helps users understand United Methodist beliefs and tradition and what it means to function as a Christian in the context of a multi-cultural society. Thirteen sessions explore the Wesleyan essentials of original sin, the saving work of Christ, atonement, resurrection, salvation by grace through faith, trinity, prevenient grace, sanctifying grace, doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and living a transformed life.

About the Authors

Dr. Ted A. Campbell

Ted A. Campbell is Professor of Church History at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University and has authored the following books for Abingdon Press: Methodist Doctrine, Wesley and the Quadrilateral, Wesleyan Essentials in a Multicultural Society, and John Wesley and Christian Antiquity. He lives in Dallas, Texas.

Michael T. Burns

Michael T. Burns is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene. He has pastored for more than 20 years in Ohio, California, and Wasington, DC, where he was the senior pastor for National Church of the Nazarene, a multicultural and multicongregational church with a 25-year history of multicultural ministry. Currently Rev. Burns serve as the senior pastor of Dodge City Church of the Nazarene, Dodge City, Kansas. Reverend Burns is currently completing postgraduate studies at the University of Manchester, Manchester, England. His Ph.D thesis is "John Wesley's Docrine of Perfect Love as a Theological Mnadate for Diversity and Inclusion."