Abingdon Worship Annual 2026

Abingdon Worship Annual 2026 - ePub
E-Book ISBN: 9781791038045
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Paperback ISBN: 9781791038038
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Published April 2025

The go-to worship planning resource for all who plan weekly worship.

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2026 is a practical, lectionary-based resource for leaders responsible for planning worship. This thoughtful sourcebook offers a weekly theme with meaningful prayers and fresh litanies following a traditional order of Christian worship: Invitation and Gathering Proclamation and Response Thanksgiving and Communion Sending Forth Liturgies and prayers are also included for special days, including New Year’s Day, Ascension Day, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Eve.

The Annual includes helpful reminders for Christian-year planning—including liturgical colors—and a scripture index. The authors also provide in-depth guidance and practical ideas for this new age of worship, helping readers understand and weigh their options for worshiping in digital spaces and unconventional places.

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2026 is a must-have sourcebook offering countless opportunities for planning meaningful and insightful worship.

About the Authors

B.J. Beu

B. J. Beu has served churches in the United Church of Christ for the past twenty years. Beyond his work on this resource, he has contributed sermons to The Abingdon Preaching Annual, developed and led worship services for his conference’s Annual Gathering, and served on the worship team for the UCC’s General Synod in 2013. A graduate of Boston University and Pacific Lutheran University, he is passionate about creative worship, preaching, and advocating for peace and justice. B. J. lives in Laguna Beach, California.

Mary Scifres

Mary Scifres is a United Methodist pastor and church growth consultant. She is the author of The Gospel According to Beauty and the Beast, and co-author of both The Abingdon Worship Annual and Is It Communion Sunday Already?! Find out more at www.maryscifres.com.