Strength Training for Faith

Five Muscles for Following Jesus

Book - Paperback
Strength Training for Faith
Paperback ISBN: 9781791032418
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E-Book ISBN: 9781791032425
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Published January 2025

Equip Yourself for Adaptive Ministry

This devotional, created to accompany Strength Training for a Fit Church, invites the entire congregation and community into the development of five strengths for adaptive, responsive churches. With five daily readings for each of the five strengths, the practice of reading and prayer draws the community together, inspire them, and invite them into the sermon series and next steps.

The five strengths are:
Grieving Well
Discerning Purpose
Walking Alongside
Distributing Power
Expanding Imagination.

Strength Training for Faith is for each person in the congregation, while Strength Training for a Fit Church is for leaders.

About the Authors

Lisa Greenwood

Rev. Lisa Greenwood is president and CEO of Wesleyan Impact Partners and Texas Methodist Foundation, nonprofit organizations dedicated to strengthening the church’s mission through investing, lending, philanthropy, and missionally-driven innovation. For over thirty years, Lisa has been a change-maker within ministry and faith communities, empowering leaders through learning and innovation and driving congregational strength. She is the co-creator and host of the Igniting Imagination podcast and holds a deep conviction that the Holy Spirit is moving in the world, and our calling is to pay attention and join that good work.

Blair Thompson

Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson is Chief Learning and Innovation Officer for Wesleyan Impact Partners and Texas Methodist Foundation, where she and her team connect leaders in brave conversations that create enduring relationships of courage, learning, and innovation to build a better, more loving, and grace-filled world. Blair’s dissertation on the role of pilgrimage in the formation of leaders for the church has guided her facilitation of cohort experiences that inspire holy friendships and create space for the Spirit to ignite the imagination. Blair is passionate about the role the values of Wesleyanism can play in human flourishing and wants the church to stand to its full height and witness for her daughter’s generation and beyond.