VBS 2024 Camp Firelight Lumen "Lu" the Lightning Bug Puppet
A Summer Camp Adventure with God
Invite kids to put their trust in God!
Meet Lumen, "Lu," the plush lightning bug puppet of Camp Firelight! During Assembly Time, your kids will laugh, learn, and have fun with Lu and first-time camp Counselor Sam as they set the stage for each day’s Session and Bible story. Campers accompany Counselor Sam and Lou during each assembly session and learn to face their fears while trusting in God. With the help of Lu and the Camp Counselor Guidebook, Counselor Sam and the Campers explore timeless Bible stories showing how Old and New Testament Bible Figures trusted God, faced their fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name. Lu can also be used during the Gathering Time with the preschoolers. Scriptures are provided in the Camp Counselor Guide (Assembly Leader).
Meet Lumen, "Lu," the plush lightning bug puppet of Camp Firelight! During Assembly Time, your kids will laugh, learn, and have fun with Lu and first-time camp Counselor Sam as they set the stage for each day’s Session and Bible story. Campers accompany Counselor Sam and Lou during each assembly session and learn to face their fears while trusting in God. With the help of Lu and the Camp Counselor Guidebook, Counselor Sam and the Campers explore timeless Bible stories showing how Old and New Testament Bible Figures trusted God, faced their fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name. Lu can also be used during the Gathering Time with the preschoolers. Scriptures are provided in the Camp Counselor Guide (Assembly Leader).