Have You Faith in Christ? - eBook [ePub]
A Bishops Insight into the Historic Questions Asked of Those Seeking Admission into Full Connection in The United Methodist Church.
Questions to consider before ordination in The United Methodist Church
John Wesley taught his followers to ask questions. New Christians were placed in small classes where they were queried weekly about their progress in the Christian journey: how it is with your soul, are you making progress, are you going on to a perfection of love in the walk with Christ? Christian spirituality can only be understood and experienced within community. And within that community, those designated to lead have a profound responsibility to clarify with believers the nature and purpose God has for them in life.In this book, Bishop Lyght draws attention to another set of questions originating in John Wesley's Historic Examination for Admission into Full Connection. These 19 questions are asked of candidates desiring to be ordained into the ministry of the church and must be answered to the satisfaction of the bishop prior to the bishop laying on hands and bestowing the spiritual gift of ordination.