Meet the Goodpeople

Wesley's 7 Ways to Share Faith

Book - Paperback
Meet the Goodpeople
Paperback ISBN: 9781630885724
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E-Book ISBN: 9781630885731
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Published October 2015

John Wesley's own strategies for reaching non-churched people.

Ever felt stuck in ways of doing church that
produce less and less fruit each year? John Wesley sure did—until he
stumbled on to seven ways to connect with non-churched people that
ignited a revival. Discover how those seven methods of early Methodism,
recast for the 21st century, can bring fresh faith to pre-Christian
people and unleash a new wave of the Spirit in our day.
guides in each chapter facilitate interaction for leadership teams and
small groups, and offer practice for successful implementation.

I was inspired! This is a terrific read that my leadership team will be reading together.
--Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor, The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection

… helpful to pastors and laity alike!
--Scott Jones, Bishop, Great Plains Conference (UMC)

… Roger shares the spiritual core that leads and sustains vital, life changing ministry.
-Mike Slaughter, Senior Pastor Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church

…A beautifully written book…
--Bill Easum, Author, Consultant, and Founder, 21st Century Strategies, Inc.

… seven practices worthy of conversation, contemplation and promulgation.
--Jonathan D. Keaton, Bishop, Illinois Great Rivers Conference (UMC)

…helpful to Christians across the denominational landscape. Study it in groups - It will deepen your faith and help you move far beyond church walls.
--Martha Grace Reese, Author of Unbinding the Gospel

…Roger invites us to see, love and relate to the neighbors all around us with a new heart and new eyes.
--Gregory Vaughn Palmer, Bishop, West Ohio Conference (UMC)

… Roger shares how pastors and church leaders can shape the culture of their church to reach
--Jim Griffith, Griffith Coaching


About the Author

Roger Ross

Roger Ross serves as director of congregational excellence in the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is the author of Meet the Goodpeople, from Abingdon Press.