A Worship Workbook

A Practical Guide for Extraordinary Liturgy

Book - Paperback
A Worship Workbook
Paperback ISBN: 9781501896569
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E-Book ISBN: 9781501896576
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Published March 2021

Extraordinary Christian worship is honest and versatile in its expressions of diverse liturgy.

Pastors and others who lead Christian worship want to offer worship that is truthful and hopeful. They yearn to create worship that involves and includes everyone in their midst. To develop new approaches to planning, so that their worship can reflect and respond to the realities of the community. To create worship for the church that is becoming.
A Worship Workbook introduces crucial and under-examined liturgical and social concepts for students and leaders of worship. Each chapter offers a brief lesson, teaching new skills and inspiring creativity for honest, faithful, and versatile worship leadership.

About the Authors

Gerald C. Liu

Gerald C. Liu is Assistant Professor of Worship and Preaching at Princeton Theological School. An ordained United Methodist Elder of the Mississippi Annual Conference, he also serves as a Minister in Residence at the Church of the Village, a United Methodist Congregation in Manhattan. He is the son of culturally Buddhist immigrants from Taiwan, and is the author of Music and the Generosity of God (Palgrave, 2017).

Khalia J. Williams

Khalia J. Williams is the Assistant Dean of Worship and Music, and Assistant Professor in the Practice of Worship at Emory University's Candler School of Theology. An ordained minister, she serves as an associate minister and First Lady at the historic Providence Missionary Baptist church in Atlanta. With a deep passion for the intersection of worship, womanist theology and embodiment, she is a lead consultant for multiple denominations in the area of liturgical transformation.