Connecting for a Change
How to Engage People, Churches, and Partners to Inspire Hope in Your Community
ISBN: 9781501874376
ISBN: 9781501874383
Published April 2019
Learn to be an agent of connection and hope.
At its simplest, Mission Strategy is about aligning the what, who, how and when with God’s why. Learn to implement Mission Strategy in your community of faith!Church and community relevance and vitality depends on leaders who see their situation through the lens of Mission Strategy. At its simplest, Mission Strategy is about aligning the what, who, how and when with God’s why. The authors have lived Mission Strategy in a variety of bold ways and have helped others do the same. In doing so, they have created vitality in existing congregations and in newly formed clusters of churches. They have helped create zones of innovation and new ministry development.
The sky is the limit when pastors, church leaders and laity in local churches begin emphasizing mission strategy in their conferences, regions, neighborhoods and churches.