Affirm Mentor Guide - eBook [ePub]

God's Call/The World's Need/Your Purpose

Affirm Mentor Guide - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781501867774
$9.99 Show Buy

Published August 2018

Affirm is a one-of-a-kind resource that aims to help teens take the next steps in following Jesus after making their initial commitment of faith.

With the Affirm mentor guide, you will be equipped to be a trusted guide that helps students along this path. Being a disciple of Jesus can be incredible, but it can also be challenging. None of us can do it alone and we all need mentors along the way.

About the Authors

Jen Bradbury

Jen Bradbury is a career youth worker in the Chicago suburbs. She's the author of Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders, The Real Jesus, and The Jesus Gap. When she's not writing or hanging out with teenagers, she enjoys reading, playing with her toddler, and traveling with her husband.

Sara Galyon

Sara Galyon is currently the Director of Youth Ministry at Messiah Lutheran in Madison, AL (ELCA). She has been working with youth in some capacity for 15 years including the UMC, and has an MA in Youth Ministry from Memphis Theological Seminary/The Center for Youth Ministry Training. She is a wife to a UMC youth minister and mom to three boys.