Small on Purpose
Life in a Significant Church
ISBN: 9781501827327
ISBN: 9781501827334
Published May 2017
Your small church can do ministry that is unique and necessary in your community. Learn how and celebrate!
Small on Purpose: Life in a Significant Church is a joyful andhonest look at the kingdom-enriching characteristics of small
congregations. Lewis Parks demonstrates how to see and build upon those
strengths. His premise is not better/worse. Instead, Parks shows us how
life in a small congregation is profoundly significant and the important
role these churches play. This book includes clear instructions on how
leaders can streamline ministry to maximize the unique and powerful
contributions small churches make in their communities. This book is
inspiring and practical, a refreshing point of view for the church and
church leaders.
“Small on Purpose reimagines what it means to be a
congregation of ninety, sixty, or thirty by not focusing on size. I
especially appreciate Lewis Parks’s attention to why ‘soul care’ is
critical for congregations under 150 as a means of discipleship and
outreach. Parks sees soul care as a countercultural act that creates
meaning for many who are seeking family-like relationships. This book
challenges all congregations to take seriously the small things they are
doing—like soul care—as a compelling way to move into the future.” —F.
Douglas Powe Jr., Managing Director for The Institute for Community
Engagement, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington DC; author of New
Wine, New Wineskins and Not Safe for Church from Abingdon Press
Parks writes with pitch-perfect tone about the life of small churches.
He appeals to the experience of smaller congregations as gathering
places of worship and service. There he sees signs of the Spirit moving,
of tradition revivified through song and word, of pastoral care shared
across a congregation. Above all, he offers transformative words and
perspectives with which small churches can claim their distinctive
witness.” —Thomas Edward Frank, University Professor and Chair of the
Department of History, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest University,
Winston-Salem, NC
“In a time when the culture is becoming more
and more individualistic, Lew Parks strikes a chord for the great value
of the gathered community of faith that is strengthened week by week
through their faithfulness to the gospel and to one another. Gather in
your small church and read this together. Your life and your community
will be enriched.” —Bill McAlilly, Bishop, Nashville Area Episcopal
Office, The United Methodist Church