The Misfit Mission - eBook [ePub]

How to Change the World with Surprises, Interruptions, and All the Wrong People

The Misfit Mission - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781501806094
$23.99 Show Buy

Published March 2016

Inspiration for a radically different approach to Christian faith and community

Many church leaders and other people of faith feel constrained by
time-worn strategies, tactics, and attitudes. Unwritten rules of how to
do church seem to force us into neat and tidy patterns. But new ideas
and methods are bubbling up in all corners of the Church, and new
leaders are taking risks, creating opportunities, and rewriting their
communities’ definition of church. One such leader is author Scott
Chrostek. In The Misfit Mission, Chrostek describes what it
looks like for us to do the right thing in ministry, even when logic or
‘rules’ say it’s the wrong thing. He shows how we really can do more
than we might ask or imagine, when we remember God’s call and the
promises of scripture—when we live each day with the expectation of holy

Chrostek shares inspiring stories from all sorts of
people, and often funny, poignant tales from his ministry as church
planter and campus pastor of The Church of the Resurrection Downtown, in
urban Kansas City. He illustrates how people can uncover their innate
passion for knowing and serving Christ, and how a church can become an
integral part of the community. The misfit mission is God’s own
creative, surprising, crazy-beautiful way, and this book proves how we
can be a part of it!

About the Author

Scott Chrostek

Scott Chrostek is pastor at Resurrection Downtown, a campus of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. Before life in the church, Scott spent five years working in the field of investments. Scott completed his M. Div. at Duke Divinity School and has served the church as an ordained elder for ten years. Scott launched RezDowntown in 2009, and it has grown dramatically ever since. He is active as a coach and mentor to church planters across the country and spends time speaking with young adults about finding life at work. He lives with his wife, Wendy, and their son, Freddy, in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.