I Wonder
Engaging a Child's Curiosity about the Bible
ISBN: 9781426799921
ISBN: 9781426799938
Published March 2016
Help the Bible become your child’s life-long companion for faith and spiritual growth.
How can anyone completely answer the difficult questions that children ask: Who created God? Will there be another flood? Is the Bible true? But then, we adults have questions too: With so many options and Bible translations, where can I go for help? What is the best Bible for my child? How do we talk about miracle stories, healing stories, and the creation stories? What about violence? When kids ask about the relevancy of the Bible for today, what do we say?How we read and interpret the Bible with children may mean the difference between whether or not it will continue to be an important source for their faith development as they become young adults.
Written by an expert in children’s ministry, I Wonder is a resource for adults who want to explore ways to help children read, engage, wrestle, and grow into deeper understanding of the Bible. It is for those who come to the Bible with souls open to be fed and who want their children to seek faith and wisdom. It will also help readers address timeless questions and issues including recent biblical scholarship, literary analysis, reading the Bible from their social location and reading the Bible in a multi-faith world.