Church Worth Getting Up For
ISBN: 9781426757754
ISBN: 9781426771019
Published April 2013
Learn the tactics of pastors with successful, enthusiastic, growing congregations.
They are playing soccer, paying bills, shopping, visiting museums, meeting friends for breakfast. People in your community have a lot of reasons to get up on Sunday morning. But they’re not getting up for church.
If you have the courage to join him, Chuck Gutenson will take you on a journey through contemporary America and into the heart of your congregation. You’ll see your own assumptions about church and people in new light, and wrestle with issues lurking just beneath the surface in your church and in your life as a leader: What does humility look like? What is the meaning of ‘radical’ hospitality, (and why does it exist almost nowhere in the Church)? And what does it mean to be authentic, really?
Along the way, this thoughtful and convicting book introduces ten church leaders who offer helpful insight from their own experience in churches from California to Georgia. This is not a book on church marketing. There are no tips here on how to dress up what you’ve already got, to make it more appealing. This is a book that will challenge, embolden, and equip you to make church worth getting up for, this Sunday and every Sunday.