TILT - eBook [ePub]

Small Shifts in Leadership that Make a Big Difference

TILT - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426727504
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Published February 2010

A simple tilt can turn something ordinary and commonplace, something well understood and familiar, into a powerful and unalterably different force. Any leader can provide the tools and instruction to enable someone to serve. Classes will be taught and church programs will be staffed, but boredom and burnout are likely and turnover is high. With a few small changes, however, you can be a leader who inspires people to serve boldly and lead others to passionate ministry as well. This subtle shift from being a leader who equips people for ministry tasks to a leader who empowers people to become ministers themselves can have untold impact on the church and the wider community.

Each chapter looks at a leadership basic from a new angle, offering the tilt needed to lead others into true discipleship.With practical tools and exercises throughout the book, the reader is challenged to examine those things that keep us from releasing control and consequently prevent us from empowering others. 

Readers will rediscover hope and energy for their own ministry as they lead others to active and inspiring ministry as well.

About the Authors

Erik Rees

Erik Rees is Pastor of Evangelism and Assimilation at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. He is a certified Life Planner and a trainer with Purpose Driven Ministries, and author of S.H.A.P.E.: Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life.

Jeff Jernigan

Jeff Jernigan is Senior Pastor of West Community Friends Church in Corona, California. He also leads the Men's Division of Life Purpose Coaching Centers International and pioneered life and career planning for missionaried worldwide. His previous books include Leadership with Panache and The Church in Ruins.