Crisis Counseling in the Congregation

Crisis Counseling in the Congregation - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426753855
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Paperback ISBN: 9781426726989
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Published October 2011

Every pastor knows that each community of faith consists of individuals who may be in crisis at any given moment, for a multitude of reasons. However, it’s essential that church leaders also view their congregations as a single organism in need of looking after as a whole. This book explores the core competencies, skills, and knowledge available to and needed by pastors so that they can provide suitable care for the most common needs of their members.

Crisis Counseling in the Congregation provides a basic tool kit including in-depth listening skill, helping questions, various frameworks, and when to refer. Pastors will also benefit from the suggested reading list.

About the Author

Dr. Larry E. Webb

Dr. Larry E. Webb is President of the Kilgore Group, LLC. The Kilgore Group, LLC has a network of seasoned consultants located in numerous cities in the United States and Australia. He is ordained a United Methodist minister and has served churches in California and Florida. In addition, he was a faculty member of the American Management Association and taught the Executive Effectiveness Course for fourteen years. He has taught as adjunct faculty at several colleges and graduate programs, including the Advanced Judicial College of the American Bar Association. He is a member of the American Management Association, a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, the Florida Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and was founding member of the Florida chapter of the American Society for Training and Development.