Church in Translation - eBook [ePub]

Vibrant Christianity in Your Time and Place

Church in Translation - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426719530
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Published August 2010

Shows today's leaders how to speak and minister more effectively the the current culture

Church in Translation shows today’s leaders how to reframe and revitalize ten essential practices of our faith to speak more effectively to the people of our time, in our current culture.
The context of Christianity is ever-changing, but the durability and relevance of the message of Jesus has been proven over time. Imagine life and the very different practice of Christianity in the days of the Early Church… the Dark Ages…the Industrial Revolution…the Great Depression …and the Digital Age. The relevant, vibrant, and effective church of today will always ask, “Where has God placed us? In what time and what cultural context?”
Cultural changes can seem to diminish the gospel’s value as outdated styles and forms create barriers between contemporary people and a timeless God. Dan Collison provides insights into ministry that will help shrink the cultural walls that people must scale to experience Jesus. Jesus’ Church is a living entity that beautifully fits every context in every century. But it does take work. This “fitting in” is not pandering or caving in to culture; it is a recognition that we exist not in 1950, 1492, 1060, or 33 A.D. We exist now, today, at a time and place that God designed.
The effective church in any age must be:
     • Biblically inspired
            • Prayer designed
            • Communally formed
            • Intellectually informed
            • Socially aware
            • Collaboratively led
            • Artistically Infused
            • Culturally Engaged
            • Missionally Minded
• Grace filled
The question is, how will you translate these essentials into your ministry context?

About the Authors

Dan Collison

Dan Collison has earned degrees from the Interlochen Arts Academy, the Eastman School of Music, Bethel Seminary (M.Div.), and Fuller Seminary (D.Min.). He is the Lead Pastor at First Covenant

Shelly Barsuhn

Author of 8 novels, and a marketing and publicity consultant.