The First 48 Hours

Spiritual Caregivers as First Responders

Book - Paperback
The First 48 Hours
Paperback ISBN: 9781426700149
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E-Book ISBN: 9781426731914
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Published September 2009

Critical responses to victims of natural disaster, community violence, personal injury, and crime

The first 48 hours are critical to the recovery of trauma victims.First responders make the difference between life and death for trauma victims. But what is often not recognized is that when disaster strikes, spiritual caregivers are often among those first on the scene. For these caregivers response should also help propel survivors toward positive transformation. This book focuses on critical responses that are key in the aftermath of natural disaster, community violence, personal injury, and crime. These basics include: the power of presence, safety, assessment and triage, how we help, putting the pieces together, telling the story, hope, and caring in the long haul.

About the Authors

Jennifer S. Cisney

Jennifer S. Cisney, MA, CRT , is the Team Coordinator for the National Crisis Response Team of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). She also is Director of AACC s Christian Crisis Response Training Program. She led AACC s response in New York City following 9/11 and functions as coordinator for all of AACC s responses to local and national disasters. She is a member of AACC s National Crisis Training Team.
Jennifer has served as a coordinator and presenter for the Grief, Crisis, and Disaster track at the AACC 2005 and 2007 World Conferences and the 2006 and 2008 East and West National Conferences and will serve as track leader for the Grief, Crisis and Disaster track at AACC s 2009 Grace and Truth World Conference to be held in September 2009 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. She is also a trained trainer with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation in several co

Dr. Kevin L. Ellers

Kevin Ellers, D.Min.
Territorial Disaster Services Coordinator
The Salvation Army Central Territory
10 W. Algonquin Rd
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Office: (847) 795-3293
Fax: (847) 294-2297