Is There a Future for God's Love?

An Evangelical Theology

Is There a Future for God's Love? - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426765414
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Paperback ISBN: 9780687660339
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Published October 2012

Is postmodernism right? Henry Knight says, "No," by interpreting evangelical theology’s insistence on religious experience and the transformed heart that is faithfully lived out in community.

In Is There a Future for God's Love? Henry H. Knight III explains how evangelical theology’s historic commitment to revealed truth can still function in a world that is averse to truth claims and allergic to all forms of authority. Yet in addition to revealed truth, evangelicalism has always insisted on a direct, personal encounter with God in Christ and on personal involvement in God’s mission to redeem the world. How does evangelical Christianity’s understanding of a loving God life fit in a world suspicious of any claim to a normative encounter with the divine? How can one answer the call to love and serve in God's name when all such calls are viewed inherently intolerant? In this book Knight wrestles with these and other questions of how evangelical Christians can prayerfully discern while also contextualizing the gospel in order to live with faithful effectiveness while avoiding unfaithful compromise.

About the Author

Prof. Henry H. Knight III

2011 Henry H. Knight III is Donald and Pearl Wright Professor of Wesleyan Studies at Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Missouri.