Momentum for Life, Revised Edition

Biblical Practices for Sustaining Physical Health, Personal Integrity, and Strategic Focus

Momentum for Life, Revised Edition - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426763311
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Paperback ISBN: 9780687650095
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Published April 2008

Visionary pastor Michael Slaughter calls all aspiring leaders to a life of faith, balance, and purpose. Operating on the principle that all leadership begins with self-leadership, the book outlines five crucial disciplines:

* Devotion to God
* Readiness for lifelong learning
* Investing in key relationships
* Visioning for the future
* Eating and Exercise for life.

Readers will gain insights and advice for enriching the spiritual, intellectual, interpersonal, missional, and physical areas of their lives, all of which are integral to effectiveness as a leader.

About the Author

Rev. Dr. Mike Slaughter

Mike Slaughter is the Pastor Emeritus at Ginghamsburg Church. Under his leadership, Ginghamsburg Church has become known as an early innovator of small group ministry, the Church "media reformation," and cyber-ministry. Mike is the author of multiple books for church leaders, including Down to Earth, The Passionate Church, Change the World, Dare to Dream, Renegade Gospel, A Different Kind of Christmas, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Real Followers, Momentum for Life, UnLearning Church, and Upside Living in a Downside Economy.