Preaching Old Testament

Proclamation & Narrative in the Hebrew Bible

Book - Paperback
Preaching Old Testament
Paperback ISBN: 9780687338702
$21.99 Show Buy

Published August 1991

Preaching Old Testament meets the need for more direction in how to preach from the Hebrew Bible. You will learn particularly helpful techniques for preaching the narrative portions of the Bible and why preaching from the Old Testament is theologically important.

After exploring theological reasons for preaching in the narrative mode, Holbert introduces a narrative homiletics and discusses its definition, problems, and possibilities. He then introduces some of the methods and techniques of a literary analysis of the narrative portions of the Hebrew Bible, which includes such elements as plot, actions and speech, contrasting characters, and point of view.

Two sample narrative sermons with brief comments inside the bodies of the sermons and extensive comments at the ends of the sermons illustrate how the pastor can read and interpret the Old Testament story.

About the Author

Prof. John C. Holbert

John C. Holbert wrote these lessons on Psalms. Dr. Holbert, an ordained United Methodist minister, served as Professor Emeritus of Homiletics at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. His teaching specialties were in preaching, Hebrew Bible, and literature and preaching.