Just in Time! Stewardship Services

Book - Paperback
Just in Time! Stewardship Services
Paperback ISBN: 9780687335169
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E-Book ISBN: 9781426727245
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Published February 2007

Ready-to-use worship and preaching resources for themes related to Stewardship.

Understanding the concept of stewardship in a broader context as management of our God-given gifts, this book provides material for twenty-four services including: suggested liturgies, prayers, Scripture passages, and sermon briefs to help pastors minister more effectively.

Contents include:

1. Make Your Money Work for You (Luke 16:1-13)
2. Owning Up to Our Greatest Obligations: Death and Taxes (Matthew 22:15-22)
3. Make a Difference: Be the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31a)
4. Who Needs Bigger Barns? (Luke 12:13-21)
5. Playing the Price is Right (Luke 12:49-56)
6. Counting the Cost Means Quality not Quantity (Luke 14:25-33)
7. Why God Doesn’t Want Your Money (Isaiah 1:10-18)
8. What God Deserves (Matthew 22:15-22)
9. Risking to Make the Right Investment (Matthew 25:14-30)
10. The Miracle of Immortal Giving (I Cor 15:35:38, 42-50)
11. Give Me Your Money or Your Life! (Luke 12:13-21)
12. Hold Nothing Back (2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18)
13. Who Do You Really Want to Be? (Matthew 21:33-46)
14. Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is (2 Corinthians 8:7-15)
15. God, You've Got to be Kidding (Mark 10:17-31)
16. But It's Not What I Signed Up For! (Luke 14:25-33)
17. Give Me More than Possessions (Luke 16:19-31)
18. Yes, Sometimes the Directions Do Help (Mark 10:17-31)
19. Getting What We Pay For...or Not (Romans 6:12-23)
20. Life is Unfair? (Matthew 20:1-16)
21. Joy Fully Serving (Mark 9:30-37)
22. There is Nothing Wrong with Being Shrewd for God's Kingdom (Luke 16:1-13)
23. Be Empowered and Gifted (1 Corinthians 12:3b-13)
24. Jesus was no Fool (Matthew 22:15-22)

About the Author

David N. Mosser

David N. Mosser, senior pastor of First United Methodist Church in Arlington Texas, is an adjunct homiletics professor at Perkins School of Theology (SMU) in Dallas. He frequently teaches and preaches in numerous United Methodist churches.