Ultimately Responsible
When You're in Charge of Igniting a Ministry
It's not your own noteworthy, public accomplishments that inspire and encourage those around you to run the race with excellence. It's the practical, moment-to-moment choices you make as their servant leader that God uses for spiritual growth and ministry deployment. Great leaders are willing to sacrifice ego, self-significance, and self-imagined importance in order to live downward into increasing effectiveness, no matter what it takes. It is the passionate, relentless commitment to learning this art that God uses to transform ordinary people into intentional leaders.
In Ultimately Responsible you'll find ideas and inspiration to help you:
Identify and maximize leadership strengths
Develop an intentional strategy for spiritual growth as a leader
Strategize and orchestrate a contagious ministry movement
Unleash unpaid servanthood, turning inactive pew-sitters into passionate servants
Effectively build and lead a paid or unpaid team
Overcome inertia anchors and lead successful ministry change
Create an intoxicating atmosphere of leadership credibility
The accompanying DVD includes worksheets to help unpack and apply each topic to your specific setting as well as short video stories that provide real-life illustrations of the principles you're learning. Chapter by chapter, you can train your whole team using the book and resources provided.
In Ultimately Responsible you'll find ideas and inspiration to help you:
Identify and maximize leadership strengths
Develop an intentional strategy for spiritual growth as a leader
Strategize and orchestrate a contagious ministry movement
Unleash unpaid servanthood, turning inactive pew-sitters into passionate servants
Effectively build and lead a paid or unpaid team
Overcome inertia anchors and lead successful ministry change
Create an intoxicating atmosphere of leadership credibility
The accompanying DVD includes worksheets to help unpack and apply each topic to your specific setting as well as short video stories that provide real-life illustrations of the principles you're learning. Chapter by chapter, you can train your whole team using the book and resources provided.