This Gift of Water

The Practice and Theology of Baptism Among Methodists in America

Book - Paperback
This Gift of Water
Paperback ISBN: 9780687333271
$26.99 Show Buy

Published January 1993

Traces the development of baptismal theology and practice in Methodism from John Wesley through the 1992 General Conference. Felton explores infant and adult baptism, rebaptism, and the meaning of the ritual as sacrament. She explains past origins for contemporary understandings and misappropriations.

About the Author

Gayle Carlton Felton

Gayle Carlton Felton (1942-2014) was a consultant, writer and speaker. She was assistant professor at Duke Divinity School and Meredith College and is a clergy member of the North Carolina Annual Conference. She was a member of the Untied Methodist Scholars of Christian Education and chair of the National Board of Reconciling Ministries Network.