Church for the Unchurched

Book - Paperback
Church for the Unchurched
Paperback ISBN: 9780687277322
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Published January 1996

Hunter discusses the rebirth of the apostolic congregation, Christianity's vision of what people can become, how small groups shape an apostolic people, how lay ministry advances the Christian movement, and how apostolic churches reach secular people.

This work shows that there is an apostolic way for a congregation to live out the gospel, and here is why church leaders think so:

"George Hunter hits the nail on the head with this practical and encouraging guide to church-based evangelism."-Steve Sjogren, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Community Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.

"This is a groundbreaking book. What sets it apart from all the others is that it is based on hard data and real life examples...If you want to know what is really happening in the so-called Seeker churches, this book is a must read." --Rick Warren, Senior Pastor, Saddleback Community Church, Mission Viejo, California

"George Hunter hits a home run with this book." --Walt Kallestad, Community Church of Joy, Phoenix, Arizona

"Our commitment to the rebirth of apostolic congregations will be greatly enhanced by this book." --John Ed Mathison, Frazier Memorial United Methodist Church, Montgomery, Alabama

"Apostolic churches present a tremendous challenge to stagnant traditional churches. It is required reading for all who yearn to see the growth of the church." --Sir Alan Walker, Australia

About the Author

Dr. George G. Hunter III

George G. Hunter III is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Asbury Theological Seminary’s School of World Mission and Evangelism, where he served as Dean for 18 years and Distinguished Professor for 10 years. He served as the founding dean of Asbury's E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism. A sought-after speaker and workshop leader, he is one of the country's foremost experts on evangelism and church growth. He has written over a dozen books, including How To Reach Secular People, Church for the Unchurched, The Celtic Way of Evangelism, Leading & Managing a Growing Church, Radical Outreach: The Recovery of Apostolic Ministry and Evangelism, Christian, Evangelical and . . . Democrat?, The Apostolic Congregation: Church Growth Reconceived for a New Generation, and The Recovery of a Contagious Methodist Movement—all published by Abingdon Press.