The Multiple Staff and the Larger Church

Book - Paperback
The Multiple Staff and the Larger Church
Paperback ISBN: 9780687272976
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Published December 1980

Larger churches are different--in expectations, in performance, in staffing, and in use of lay volunteers. Their unique differences require special handling. And that's what this first-of-its-kind book is all about.Expert Lyle Schaller helps the leaders of larger churches understand the special characteristics of these churches and helps members of multiple staffs see their role and the context of that role more clearly.Schaller fully describes the differences that mark the larger church of 700 to 1,000 or more members. He discusses the many alternatives of staffing: part-time vs. full-time, use of more volunteers, and the many duties that can be carried out by these staff members. Special emphasis is given to the role of the senior minister, the role of the associate minister, and to their relationship with one another. Since one-sixth of all congregations account for nearly half the total members of all churches in the United States, that one-sixth actually sets the pace for the religious life of the nation. The need for specialized help is imperative, and Lyle Schaller has provided that help in this important and useful book.

About the Author

Lyle E. Schaller

Lyle E. Schaller was the country's leading interpreter of congregational systems and their vitality. He was the author of dozens of books, including From Geography to Affinity, also published by Abingdon Press. He lived in Naperville, Illinois.