In a Blaze of Glory

Womanist Spirituality as Social Witness

Book - Paperback
In a Blaze of Glory
Paperback ISBN: 9780687187577
$24.99 Show Buy

Published February 1995

This volume is an interdisciplinary exploration of the interplay between the contemporary Black Church in the United States and African American womanist spirituality and social witness. Historically, the Black Church itself has represented a strong yoking of social witness and spirituality. This blend has endured whether the primary theology and ethical import of the Church has been accomodationist or protest-oriented. African American women in the Church have carried this legacy in their lived witness of spirituality and social action. This volume will explore some of the historic roots of this journey, the literary testimony of this heritage, and offers a constructive ethic for a contemporary social witness which is steeped in spiritual formation and growth.