The New Creation

John Wesley's Theology Today

Book - Paperback
The New Creation
Paperback ISBN: 9780687096022
$31.99 Show Buy

Published April 1998

Commissioned by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for use in United Methodist doctrine/polity/history courses.

Runyon sets Wesley's own discussion of the "way of salvation" in the larger context of Christian doctrine, beginning with the Creation (and the Fall) and moving through the drama of salvation towards its eschatological fulfillment in the "new creation" of all things.

"This is for me the Wesley book at the end of the century, with new perspectives for the next millennium. Reliable in historical research, brilliantly written, it offers the social witness of John Wesley for today's crises. Professor Runyon gives a coherent picture of Wesley's theology for the Christian oecumene and far beyond. I am very grateful for this book."--Jürgen MoltmannThe New Creation has been translated into 5 languages: Korean, Portuguese, Russian, German, and Spanish.

About the Author

Dr. Theodore Runyon

Theodore Runyon is Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.