A Conspiracy of Goodness

Contemporary Images of Christian Mission

Book - Paperback
A Conspiracy of Goodness
Paperback ISBN: 9780687094844
$27.99 Show Buy

Published June 1992

"A beguiling image for the mission
of the Church in our time. It combines the Samaritan parable's deceptive simplicity with a realism about what the Church is up against in this world."--Mark Trotter, Pastor, First United Methodist, San Diego.

After describing the biblical mandates for the mission of ministry, Dr. Messer calls church leaders to:
-understand the world as God's body
-live as a covenant of global gardeners
-work as bridge builders
-form a company of star-throwers and peacemakers
-embrace a community of fence movers

About the Author

Donald E. Messer

Donald E. Messer is a United Methodist theologian and author of twelve books. Currently the Executive Director of the Center for the Church and Global AIDS, Messer was President of Dakota Wesleyan University from 1971-1981 and President of Illiff School of Theology from 1981-2000. He was named both President Emeritus and the Henry White Warren Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology at The Iliff School of Theology. Concern for the escalating global HIV/AIDS pandemic has prompted Dr. Messer to travel and speak in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as to initiate a Center for the Church and Global AIDS that serves as a catalyst for Christian involvement in the major issues related to global HIV and AIDS, world hunger, and clean water. A college and seminary president for 29 years, Messer holds a Ph.D. from Boston University in social ethics. In 2005 he was honored with a "Lifetime Achievement Award" from a medical university in India for his humanitarian work. Among other awards re