Seeing the Text

Exegesis for Students of Greek and Hebrew

Book - Paperback
Seeing the Text
Paperback ISBN: 9780687091140
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Published July 2001

Seeing the Text integrates language study with theories and methods of interpretation. The purpose of the book is to help students increase their facility with the biblical languages while at the same time incorporating exegetical and literary skills and methods. The book thus not only provides a wider theoretical and methodological horizon for language study but also builds a solid, text-based foundation for further biblical studies. Because it is increasingly the case that seminarians do not have the opportunity to study both Greek and Hebrew, examples in both languages are included whenever possible to create a metalinguistic theoretical understanding. The book is, therefore, designed and suitable for both intermediate Hebrew students and intermediate Greek students. Finally, the book includes suggestions for using the computer to facilitate language learning and exegetical work in order to help students develop the skills necessary to sustain their language skills with the aid of computer software when they are no longer engaged in formal study.

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About the Authors

Prof. Perry B. Yoder

Perry B. Yoder, Ph.D. is Professor of Old Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana, where he teaches Hebrew and Old Testament. He received his degree from the University of Pennsylvania and does research in Hebrew language, syntax, rabbinic interpretation, and Biblical perspectives on peace and justice.