Noah Built His Ark In The Sunshine
ISBN: 9780687075386
ISBN: 9781426723360
Published August 2003
Noah built his ark on a sunny day; trusting in God, he prepared in advance for the storm that was to come. He didn't wait until the last minute. He used the sunny days to get himself ready. He used those bright days to build up the resources he would need when the rain and the floods came later. In his story, we learn many important things about his faith, gratitude, and spiritual strength. But the question is, "How do we get there? How do we reach that level of spiritual maturity? That kind of faith and spiritual maturity doesn't just happen overnight. We have to build it! We have to work at the faith, practice it, express it, study it, share it. And as we do, our faith will grow, and our gratitude will deepen, and we too will be able to pray, "Lord, whatever this day may bring, you are here, you are in it, you are with us, so may your name be praised!"