You Can Preach to the Kids Too!

Designing Sermons for Adults and Children

Book - Paperback
You Can Preach to the Kids Too!
Paperback ISBN: 9780687061570
$22.99 Show Buy

Published July 1997

Many preachers are aware of the presence of children in Sunday morning worship and wish to include them effectively in worship, but have a hard time figuring out how to do so. Preachers who are unhappy with children's sermons in general and all the books of printed children's sermons in particular are looking for a theologically and educationally sound approach to preaching to congregations that include children. This practical guide offers preachers a variety of ideas and helps for making any sermon one that is suitable for both children and adults.

The author includes an introductory chapter on the importance of children's participation in worship during their elementary school years as part of their faith development. The chapter concludes with a discussion of how children "listen" to a sermon and the importance of planning for children in preparing sermons.

About the Author

Carolyn C. Brown

Carolyn C. Brown is a Certified Christian Educator in the Presbyterian Church USA. She has over 30 years' experience in Christian Education in a variety of congregations covering five states, and she is a member of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators.