Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: 1 Peter

Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: 1 Peter - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426750434
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Paperback ISBN: 9780687058549
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Published April 1999

Identifying the theme of 1 Peter as how the church is to witness responsibly in a non-Christian world, Boring emphasizes the necessity of a sympathetic historical understanding of those parts of the letter that collide with modern cultural values and understandings of what Christian commitment and theology require. He gives special attention, as well, to the narrative world within which this ancient writer operated, and to the strong affirmation of ecumenism implicit in the letter's amalgamation of traditions stemming from Peter and Paul, respectively.

"Through the years, Professor Boring has shown himself to be a master of technical exegesis and theology wedded to great pastoral concern. These twin talents are fittingly brought to bear on a New Testament document that shows the same union of rich theology and pastoral care. Indeed, the sober, centrist, yet moving commentary squares perfectly with the sober, centrist, yet moving document that is 1 Peter. If this commentary is a popularization, then it is a popularization of very high caliber; a tremendous amount of research and insight is made available and intelligible to a wide public. This commentary is not just a rehash of what everyone else has said on 1 Peter. The innovative appendix detailing the narrative world of 1 Peter is alone worth the price of admission. All in all, an excellent contribution to present-day literature on an often neglected book of the New Testament." --John P. Meier, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

About the Author

Dr. M. Eugene Boring

M. Eugene Boring is I Wylie and Elizabeth M. Briscoe professor of New Testament (Emeritus) at Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, and author of books on biblical scholarship.