Worship Across Cultures

A Handbook

Book - Paperback
Worship Across Cultures
Paperback ISBN: 9780687056521
$29.99 Show Buy

Published November 1998

A work that will inspire cross-cultural sensitivity, this practical guide provides a road map to the basic worship practices of the major ethnic and cultural groups in North American Protestantism.

"In Worship Across Cultures, Kathy Black reports information about actual Christian worship practices gathered in collaboration with persons who come from and minister with churches in twenty-one different cultural contexts in the US. This book is a uniquely valuable resource whether for pastors who regularly lead Christian worship in cultural contexts beyond their own, or for persons visiting worship in another context to attend a marriage or a funeral. By approaching the study of worship through description of actual practices, it will inspire cross-cultural sensitivity, as well as providing food for thought and new ideas for worship. I heartily recommend it for laity, pastors, and seminary classes."--Ruth Duck, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary

About the Author

Kathy Black

(2001) Kathy Black is Professor of Homiletics & Liturgics, the School of Theology at Claremont, and an ordained United Methodist minister. She has extensive experience in various fields of disability: she worked as chaplain at Gallaudet University (an outstanding college for the hearing impaired); she pastored two churches for deaf persons; and she taught Deaf Ministry classes and Ministry With Persons With Disabilities at Wesley Theological Seminary, Pacific School of Religion, and the School of Theology at Claremont.