Children's Sermons for the Revised Common Lectionary Year A

Using the 5 Senses to Tell God's Story

Book - Paperback
Children's Sermons for the Revised Common Lectionary Year A
Paperback ISBN: 9780687049967
$16.99 Show Buy

Published August 1997

Children's Sermons for the Revised Common Lectionary: Using the Five Senses to Tell God's Story offers pastors and children's worship leaders a multisensory way of presenting sermon experiences for children on Sunday morning. By using the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing), Philip D. Schroeder enables the youngest members of the congregation to fully participate in, and experience, the word of God. Each of the three volumes in this series follows the Revised Common Lectionary, and features 52 children's sermons, a selected scripture text and a worship experience highlighting one or more of the senses for each Sunday of the lectionary year, and activities for helping worship leaders gain a child's perspective of the scripture. By using Children's Sermons for the Revised Common Lectionary, sermon and worship preparation is made easier, and the children's sermon becomes a vital part of Sunday morning worship for all members of the congregational family.

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