United Methodism and American Culture Volume 1: Connectionalism

Ecclesiology, Mission, and Identity

Book - Paperback
United Methodism and American Culture Volume 1: Connectionalism
Paperback ISBN: 9780687021895
$37.99 Show Buy

Published December 1997

In a time when the United Methodist Connectional System is being questioned throughout the denomination, this volume explains the roots of the system, its rationale, and its success.

Chapter essays:
Connectionalism and Itinerancy; Constitutional Order in United Methodism and American Culture; African American Methodists; Methodist Identities and the Founding of Methodist Universities; Redesigning Methodist Churches: Auditorium Style Sanctuaries; Wesley's Legacy of Social Holiness; United Methodist Campus Ministry; The Effect of Mergers on American Wesleyan Denominations; Determinants of the Denominational Mission Funding Crisis; and others.

About the Authors

Dennis M. Campbell

Dennis M. Campbell is former Dean of the Divinity School and former Professor of Theology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Currently he is Headmaster of Woodberry Forest School in Woodberry Forest Virginia.

Dr. Russell E. Richey

(2011) Russell E. Richey is Dean Emeritus of Candler School of Theology and the William R. Cannon Distinguished Professor of Church History Emeritus in Atlanta, Georgia.