The Care of Men

The Care of Men - eBook [ePub]
E-Book ISBN: 9781426753480
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Paperback ISBN: 9780687014514
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Published March 1997

Men in our culture are experiencing various crises to which pastors and pastoral caregivers are called to respond. These crises include changing role definitions and gender expectations, as well as diminishing economic opportunities. In light of these crises, men need new foundations for self-esteem and identity and new support for changing. With their different experiences and specialties, the contributors to The Care of Men examine some crises and provide helpful ideas for caregivers in diverse situations with diverse populations of men.

About the Author

Christie Cozad Neuger

Christie Cozad Neuger is Professor of Pastoral Theology at United Theological Seminary of The Twin Cities in New Brighton, Minnesota. She has local church and hospital pastoral experience. She is currently co-authoring with Howard Clinebell the latest revision of Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling.