How can you share your faith with confidence and joy?
Teresa of Avila, the sixteenth-century Spanish mystic, teaches you how to explore the interior castle that is your spiritual home. Room by room while praying, Teresa helps you explore these questions: Who is God? How can I communicate with...
Learn to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties this Lenten season.
Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as...
Recognize your own outer and inner beauty as defined by God, not the media or others.
Recognize your own outer and inner beauty as defined by God, not the media or others.
Money has great power in our lives. Used wisely, it is one key to accomplishing our goals, providing for our needs, and fulfilling our life purpose. In recent years, many of us ignored the wisdom of the past when it came to managing and...
Learn how to reclaim a healthy biblical perspective on money and possessions