Will Willimon's Lectionary Sermon Resource: Year B Part 2
Just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon!
Just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon!
Learn to capably lead others in prayer, in any setting, on any occasion.
Do you really want the mission to succeed?Are you prepared to live within clear boundaries?Are you ready to align yourself with a greater purpose?Do you have what it takes?Winning on Purpose offers leaders a way to organize congregations...
Often the church is accused of being so embedded in the culture that effective prophecy leveled at the culture is impossible. But this book illustrates that there was a time and a place where the church community was faithful to its mission...
Place yourself as a witness of the cross and determine what your own testimony will be!Experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple from the Gospel of John; Mary Magdalene...