Who is this God we worship?
Now available in French, in Three Simple Rules - A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley's General Rules for today's readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to...
Too often we evaluate worship as a matter of taste without examining the presuppositions that inform worship in a given congregation. The authors help church leaders see that worship is a public event, which must be continually renewed and...
Beyond quick and easy and fast and furious, you can live differently.
Building trust is essential for the leader to succeed in the ministry to which God has called them.
This book shows what kind of leadership, evangelism, and outreach will bring about a desirable turnaround. It provides specific actions that will develop the skills of those who minister in the life of a small church, thereby enhancing...
Since its publication in 1995, Ron Crandall’s Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church has become required reading for anyone striving to revitalize the ministry of a small membership congregation. That book was built on extensive...
Tween Bible Puzzles is a reproducible book of Bible activities that can be used with Tweens in Transition or can be used as a stand-alone activity book for tweens. Tween Bible Puzzles contains two puzzles per week for an entire year and...