24 Hours That Changed the World for Younger Children
Explores the profound, life-changing impact the last day of Jesus' life had on human history.
Explores the profound, life-changing impact the last day of Jesus' life had on human history.
Explores the profound, life-changing impact the last day of Jesus' life had on human history.
Explores the profound, life-changing impact the last day of Jesus's life had on human history.
Pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton offers 40 days of devotions enabling us to pause, reflect, dig deeper, and emerge changed forever. The devotions, ideal for use in Lent or any other time of the year, include Scripture, reflection on...
Provides forty devotions, one for each day of Lent, and is ideal as a companion piece to 24 Hours That Changed the World .
24 horas que cambiaron el mundo, por Adam HamiltonNingún evento en la historia humana ha recibido más atención que el sufrimiento y la crucifixión de Jesús de Nazaret. En este libro, Adam Hamilton nos guía a través de las últimas...
30 devotions for learning to surrender to God’s will and rest your hope in Him alone.Finding hope can seem like a distant dream in a world filled with uncertainty and challenges. But in the Book of Jeremiah, God offers a message of hope...
Begin your day each morning with a devotion based on the writings of C.S. Lewis!