Let Go
Move beyond fear into the life God wants for you.
Laugh out loud with this tongue-in-cheek approach to learning about the Hebrew Bible.
Stookey seeks to relieve the anxiety of inexperienced leaders of public prayer and the discomfort of those with and for whom they pray in this practical guide to the art of praying in public. The book has three parts. First, Stookey offers...
Easy step-by-step instructions for making a Jesse Tree Advent calendar.
What happens when the race to stop a lethal bacteria becomes a race to stop a killer?
The perfect time-saving idea for pastors and their assistants who want to write sensitive, effective letters for every occasion. This collection includes letters of: * Thanks * Condolence/Support/Encouragement * Congratulations * Milestone...
How the horrible yet hopeful dimensions of African American faith took shape on American shores.