God Bless Us Every One
Keeping Christmas in Our Hearts.
David Lowes Watson wants to remove a major blockage in the church--the self-centered pursuit of spiritual amphetamines--by acknowledging the responsibilities of universal salvation and the demands placed upon faithful discipleship:How can...
Countering dire pronouncements of the irrelevance of African American institutions, Teresa L. Fry Brown celebrates the way African American women continue, often invisibly, the task of passing on moral wisdom in African-American families,...
Talk the talk and walk the walk.The challenge of the Christian life is learning to talk Christian. Somebody has got to tell us, give us the words that open the door to the faith called Christian. Each of us is due the delight of discovery...
Explores how, due to our rigid preoccupation with our busy-ness and routines, we fail to sense or appreciate the presence of God all around us; consequently, we miss out on the chance to tap in to common sense, we miss out on the chance to...
In God Will Make a Way, Bishop Ken Carter shares reflections from his journey from the 2016 General Conference, through his leadership in The Way Forward, his role as Presiding Bishop, into the special 2019 Conference, and the postponed...
Fretheim presents here the Old Testament view of the Creator God, the created world, and our role in creation. Beginning with "The Beginning," he demonstrates that creation is open-ended and connected. Then, from every part of the Old...
Explores how New Testament conceptions of God contribute to a contemporary constructive theology