The good news of Jesus from John's unusual perspective.
The Gospel According to John rounds out the foursome of accounts of Jesus’ good news that we find in the New Testament, but it probably hasn’t escaped your notice that it’s pretty different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It paints the same general picture, yes, but John uses different brushes, different techniques, different colors than the others. There are no parables in John. There are no traditional healing stories or demonic encounters or transfiguration either. The big moment in the upper room is washing the disciples’ feet, not offering them communion. Flipping over the moneychangers’ tables happens at the beginning, not the end. And Jesus never once keeps his divine identity a secret, as he does in the other three accounts. John’s account of the Gospel is just plain unusual, like the followers of Jesus Christ.
The study on John includes three modules with four sessions in each module. Modules are stand-alone and may be studied in any order. Groups can choose to do one four-week study, an eight-week study, or a twelve-week study using the modules.
The new and exciting aspect of this particular Bible study series is the blending of traditional weekly Sunday school with modern, daily-delivered digital content, which will keep readers connected with the material throughout the week. Between the daily communication and the group gatherings, participants will immerse themselves in the Good News.
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