Do conservatives or progressives “own” the teachings about what the Bible says about human sexuality and marriage? For some—perhaps a vocal minority—the question is no longer up for debate or discussion: conservatives win. For others, the issues are not that simple. A fresh, rigorous, but yet concise, theological examination of the Bible’s teachings is required. There are other ways to interpret scripture faithfully with respect to sexuality other than the conservative interpretation.
In Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality, Steve Harper strives to articulate the truth about the teachings of the Bible and Wesleyan tradition on human sexuality. This very accessible book is intended for church leaders, small groups, and those interested in understanding the Bible’s teaching on this fundamental component of human life, experience and relationships. The book will help church leaders and small groups make the constructive case that biblical, Christian teaching is compatible with faithful, covenantal love and intimacy amidst all sexual orientations.
From Holy Love:
"Theology does not exist in a vacuum; it emerges from somewhere, and it takes us someplace. And if it is worth its salt,, theology always takes us to a new place (even while confirming previous things), to a place where our lives expand more deeply and widely, and where we mature...
...the tendancy to win votes in the debate as a contest between those who 'believe the Bible' and those who 'do not believe the Bible' lies at the heart of our inability (and lack of will) to find common ground on a theology of sexuality. Simply put, the pivot is not the inspiration and authority of scripture, but it's interprettion and applicatiion...
We have too much rooted our thelogy of sexuality in a view of God that is punative and retributive, and we have too often made anthropology (who we are) a starting point more than theology (who God is)...The foundational revelation of God in the Bible is that God is love (1 John 4:18). Far from being a view based on a single verse, it is the culmination of scriptural revelation..."
Steve Harper Discusses Holy Love on Crackers & Grape Juice Podcast: Listen here.
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