Examination Copies
Abingdon Press provides Exam or Desk copies of eligible books for coursework at Universities, Colleges, and Seminaries. The teacher or professor, or their assistant must submit the request. Books eligible for the Exam Copy program will have the “Request an Exam Copy” link* on the individual products page on AdingdonPress.com.
To request a copy of a single eligible title, click on the “Request an Exam Copy” link on the product page. Doing so will allow you to request a complimentary eBook edition link (good for 90 days) or a printed copy** (at a 50% discount plus any tax and shipping with payment due 90 days after receipt). Fill out the information required on the form, and we will send a copy to you. When ordering multiple titles for review, please email your request with all the information on the electronic form to examcopy@abingdonpress.com.
At 60 days, we will send you an email reminder with a brief questionnaire about the book. At 90 days, we will request proof of adoption, or you can pay for the book then at a 50% discount.
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*See the example to the right. ** Print copies are only available to requesters in the United States; only eBooks are available to those outside the United States.